Online Booking Policy
It's fabulous you have found our online booking facility and we hope you have found it easy to use. We are technically open 24 hrs.
We have many services and if you are unsure what you have booked, but want something booked, please use the message box to explain. Communication really helps and we can identify your needs.
Once you have booked, we receive a notification and we double check your booking, should we identify something amiss, we will give you a call, however, should it not be clear till you arrive in the salon and we check your online booking against what is discussed in the consultation, there may be changes or supplements apply.
If you are unsure in anyway, please do give us a call on 01273748999 / 07944587195 and we can discuss the details.
For all our colour services, the skin allergy test notification pops up and it's designed as a reminder if you need one. If you have been to our salon within the last 6 months for a skin allergy test or a colour appointment, then you can tick yes and move onto your booking. Should you be a new client or have not been to us for more than 6 months, please arrange a skin allergy appointment at least 48hrs before your appointment. This also applies to our brow, lash appointments involving tinting.
All our appointments require a deposit, and we have a policy on this, please see this on page Deposits & Cancellation Policy
We operate a eco-friendly, sustainable recycling initiatives in the salon with Green Salon Collective and all our appointments are applied with a £2 Green Fee.